
Comprehensive Analysis of Maxim's Powerline Communication Solutions from the MAX2990 / MAX2991

Date:   2019 / 11 / 30   Source:   Network integration   Browse:   332

What is PLC
PLC is a kind of digital operation electronic device designed for application in industrial environment. It uses a programmable memory to store instructions for performing logical operations, sequential operations, timing, counting, and arithmetic operations inside it. It can control various types of inputs through digital or analog inputs and outputs. Machinery or production process. PLC and its related peripheral equipment should be designed according to the principle of easy integration with industrial control systems and easy expansion of their functions.
Maxim's Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Solution
Maxim integrates the most appropriate functional circuits in the IC, enabling PLC designers to effectively reduce system cost, power requirements, and system size, and meet the high accuracy and high reliability requirements of industrial measurement.
Maxim's Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Solution
Recommended Products:
MAX2990—First OFDM-based Power Line Communication (PLC) Modem
Brief introduction: The MAX2990 power line communication (PLC) baseband modem can provide cost-effective and reliable half-duplex asynchronous data communication through AC or DC power lines with transmission rates up to 100kbps.

简介:MAX2991电力线通信模拟前端(AFE)是一款性能优异的集成电路,具有极高的集成度和优异的性能,可有效降低整体系统成本。MAX2991是首款专为通过电力线传输OFDM (正交频分复用)调制信号而设计的AFE。可编程滤波器工作在10kHz至490kHz频带,可利用同一器件支持CENELEC、FCC和ARIB通信标准。

Click to download the MAX2991 Chinese data sheet
Application Note:
Application of Power Line Communication in Street Lighting Automation
Abstract: Power line communication (PLC) is the best choice for the automated management of street lighting. PLC helps reduce operating expenses and improve security for businesses and municipalities. G3-PLC is a new PLC system based on OFDM. It is designed for power grid automation equipment, which greatly expands the range, data rate and performance of power line communication. This article discusses the advantages of G3-PLC-based system automation and introduces a set of tunnel lighting solutions that can effectively reduce energy consumption and maintenance costs. This article introduces the basic principles of the system, gives key performance parameters and highlights the transceivers for PLC automation design.
G3-PLC: Open standards for smart grids
Abstract: What are the global power line communication standardization standards? What are the characteristics of G3-PLC as one of the important specifications? Let's listen to the official introduction from Maxim.
G3-PLC technology realizes intelligent charging of electric vehicles
Abstract: Electric vehicles (EVs) and plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHEVs) are forming an unprecedented and vibrant mobile energy consumer market, and the relationship between power providers (electricity companies) and car owners is becoming increasingly clear. This article analyzes the standard requirements for reliable communication between electric vehicles (EV) and electric vehicle power supply equipment (EVSE). The data show that the G3-PLC system fully meets the communication standards of the automotive and power industries. The G3-PLC solution that has been tested and tested around the world is the best low-frequency communication solution.
Mesh network expands PLC network scale to thousands of meters
Abstract: For decades, PLC has been widely used to periodically read the electricity consumption data of electricity meters, eliminating the cost of manual meter reading. Although the distribution network is a single electrical network, building a PLC network on the power line is still limited by many factors such as signal attenuation and noise. In order to overcome the limitation of attenuation, using the Mesh network in the G3-PLC standard can maintain sufficient signal levels. If each meter has the Mesh networking function, messages can be forwarded from one meter to another until they reach their destination. No additional concentrator is needed to connect to the meter in the process. The G3-PLC modem automatically forms a network and establishes a routing table to connect the concentrator and all meters.
Reduce the cost of advanced power line monitoring systems with high-performance simultaneous sampling ADCs
Abstract: The growing demand for electricity and increased awareness of energy saving has led to a rapid increase in global investment in power transmission infrastructure. This has also driven the market for advanced power line monitoring systems in single-phase and multi-phase applications, making it a new generation. Key technologies for "smart grid". As system performance requirements become more stringent, designers are beginning to focus on the use of simultaneous sampling, multi-channel, high-performance ADCs in power line monitoring or multi-channel SCADA (management control and data acquisition) systems.
